
2. Enrolment checklist


To access to the school network each device needs to be enrolled into Microsoft Intune which enables the management of your device whilst at school.  To ensure you can successfully undertake the enrolment there is a number of requirements needed depending upon the device you plan to use at school.



  1. You will need to have your school email address and the password you use to log on to the school computers.
  2. Your computer must support 5Ghz WIFI.
  3. Your computers operating system must be Windows 10 or newer.
  4. Windows Devices must not be in S Mode.  For further information please see the Troubleshooting page.
  5. Your local account on your personal computer must have Administrator rights.  For further information please see the Troubleshooting page.
  6. Your computer needs to be connected to the Internet.
  7. Sign and return the Student BYOD charter to your classroom teacher, this must be returned before network access for the device is granted at school.
  8. Don't install any Microsoft family accounts, restrictions or 3rd party antivirus programs (e.g. Norton AV, AVG, Avast, McAfee) until the device has been to school and all connections and programs have been installed and confirmed working. These programs and restrictions can stop the device from communicating with our school systems and prevents students being able to complete the work required.

Last reviewed 18 April 2023
Last updated 18 April 2023