To provide affordable, good quality uniforms for the school
and contribute to the fundraising effort of the P&C.
Karalee Uniform Policy 2023
The easiest way to order uniforms is online using Munch Monitor.
To order, go to: MunchMonitor
Username: Karalee
Password: munch4306
Munch Monitor orders are processed several times a week and will be delivered to your child's class for them to bring home.
Our opening hours are:
Wednesday: 2.30-3.30pm
Friday: 8.30-9.30am
The uniform shop is located next to P&C room, in the amenities block between the tuckshop and the library.
Payments can be made by EFTPOS, cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to Karalee State School P&C.
Check the school newsletter and Facebook page for more information.
Uniform Shop Convenor
Contact details:
karaleeuniformshop@gmail.com or mobile 0412 265 399 (txt preferred).